Directory Change Request

To request changes to the directory, please email the contact person listed below for your department, if you do not see your department listing, email the ADS Service Desk.

Agency/Department Contact Name/Email
Administration, Agency of - (AoA)Chris McConnell
Kimberley Lashua
Melissa Mazza-Paquette
Tina Wolk
Agency of Digital Services - (ADS)Christine Janelle
Dawn Carrillo
Emily Whitehill
Leslie Baker
Lisa Goslant
Maria Segovia-Chacon
Phil Kerin
Sylvie Hebert
Agency of Natural Resources - (ANR)Barb Morway
Donna Viens
Jean Perrigo
Renita Marshall
Tara Pecor
Will Duane
Agriculture - (AGR)Faith Raymond
Hunter Thompson
James Shover
Sarah Wells
Attorney General - (AG)Diane Ford
Jay Bailey
Auditor of Accounts - (AUD)Diane Hahn
Kathy O'Rourke
Buildings and General Services - (BGS)Jodie Wright
Judy Bruneau
Robin Chaplin
Commerce and Community Development - (ACCD)Daniel Dickerson
Leonarda Stewart
Paul Williams
Courts Judiciary - (CRT)Caroline Keyes
Elizabeth Finn
Scott Adams
Criminal Justice Training Council - (CJTC)Drew Bloom
Defender General - (DG)Lora Evans
Mary Deaett
Department of Human Resources - (DHR)Catherine Russell
Kimberly Palermo
Krystal Sewell
Department of Vermont Health Access - (DVHA)Cassidy Derda
Christie Omodeo
Dana Wing
Jessica Ploesser
Stacy DeSisto
Dept. Children Families AHS - (DCFAHS)Amanda Beliveau
Christian Gilcris
Christine Comi
Diane Chapin
Doddi Ducharme
Erika Bradshaw
Gayle Dimasi
JoAnne Vostinak
Melanie Rutledge
Stefani Bissonnette
Tina Clarkson
Dept. of Corrections - (DOC)Cheyenne.Steventon
Emily Rotax
Ross Farnsworth
Disabilities, Aging Independent Living, Dept of - (DAIL)Ashley Bonneau
Colleen Bedard
Hope Smith
Judy Spittle
Laura Gordon
Lisa Parro
Liz Perreault
Randall Connelly
Tammi Provencher
Tammy Wehmeyer
Wendy Madigan
Education, Agency of - (EDUC)Abby Prevost
Candace LaFreniere
Shelley Matz
Suzanne Sprague
Enhanced 911 Board - (E911)Denisonde Johnson
Jared Lamere
Executive - (EXE)Janis Carrier
Karen Pallas
Finance Management, Dept. - (FIN)Anna Reinold
Ariel Murphy
Eric Hoefel
Financial Regulation, Department formerly BISHCA - (DFR)Kelly Fay
Victoria Hudson
Green Mountain Care Board - (GMCB)Jean Stetter
Human Rights Commission - (HRC)Bor Yang
Human Services, Agency of - (AHS)Ashley Roy
Darcy Putzier
Kristin Kellett
Joint Fiscal Committee - (JFO)Christine Gilhuly
Theresa Utton-Jerman
Labor - (DOL)Roger VanTassel
Tom Tomasi
Legislative Council - (LEG)Mike Ferrant
Myriah Burke
Library Dept - (LIB)Cherie Yaeger
Jennifer Johnson
Liquor Control - (LIQ)Cheryl Mowel
Mental Health, Dept of - (MH)Jennifer Rowell
Maureen Cofrin
Military Department - (MIL)Angela Leclair
Joy Ross
Motor Vehicles, Department of - (DMV)Jennifer Cliche
Natural Resources Board - (NRB)Katie Emerson
Kimberley Lashua
Pamela Morin
Rachel Lomonaco
Public Safety Dept of - (PS)John Gonyea - VCIC
Karen Carr - Commisioner's Office
Mark Bosma - VEM
Patty Hood - Commissioners Office
Susan Blain
Tina Healy - VCIC
Public Service Board - (PSB)Brenda Chamberlin
Public Service Dept of - (PSD)Anne Nelson
Anne Tyrrell
Mandi Potter
Stacey Drinkwine
Secretary of State - (SEC)Brittany Elliott
States Attorneys - (SA)Ashley Perry
Barbara Bernardini
Taxes Dept of - (TAX)Jessica Martin
Mariko Evans
Treasurers Office - (TRE)Owen Doherty
Ram Verma
Vermont Department of Health - (VDH)Randal Shepard
Tenzin Pelha
Vermont Veterans' Home - (VVH)Scott Betit