Vulnerable populations agencies include entities that provide care or services to children, the elderly, or persons with disabilities as defined in 42 U.S.C. §5119c.
If you believe you qualify as a vulnerable populations agency and do not have a login, you may apply online today.
Educational Institutions are members of public or independent schools in Vermont which provide elementary and/or secondary education.
If you believe you qualify as an educational institution and do not have a login, you may apply online today. Subscribers pay for requests through a single detailed monthly bill rather than at the time of the request. If you use other Subscriber services, all services will appear on a single bill.
For more information about becoming a Subscriber, please refer to the Subscriber Services page on
If you are a Subscriber, Vulnerable Populations Agency, or an Educational Institution sign-in below using your Username or Email and Password. If you are already a Subscriber for another service, the same username and password is used for all services you have access to.