Agency / Department Search

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Agency / Department Search

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Agency / Department Search Results: 151 to 200 of 1479 total records.« Previous 2 3 4 5 6 Next »
Children and Families, Department for
    - ESD District Offices
Rutland Office ESD
    320 Asa Bloomer State Office Building
    Rutland, VT, 05701
Fax: 802-786-5882
Toll Free: 800-479-6151
Springfield Office ESD
    100 Mineral Street Suite 201
    Springfield, VT, 05156
Fax: 802-289-0635
Toll Free: 800-479-6151
St Albans Office ESD
    27 Federal Street Suite 400
    St Albans, VT, 05478
Fax: 802-527-5403
Toll Free: 800-479-6151
St Johnsbury Office ESD
    1016 US Route 5 Suite 3
    St Johnsbury, VT, 05819
Fax: 802-751-3272
Toll Free: 800-479-6151
    - Family Services Division
Family Services Division, (formerly Social and Rehabilitation Services, SRS)
    Osgood 3:103 South Main St
    Waterbury, VT, 05671-2401
Voice: 802-241-2131
Fax: 802-241-2407
Aryka Radke, Deputy CommissionerVoice: 802-241-0880
Adoption Search RegistryVoice: 802-241-2122
Foster/Adoptive Parent RecruitmentToll Free: 800-746-7000
Residential Care Licensing UnitVoice: 802-241-2159
Special Investigations UnitVoice: 802-241-2148
Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center
    26 Woodside Drive East
    Colchester, VT, 5446
Voice: 802-655-4990
Fax: 802-655-3095
DirectorVoice: 802-655-4990
    - District Offices, Familiy Service Division
Barre Office FSD
    255 North Main St. :Suite 7
    Barre, VT, 05641-4189
Voice: 802-479-4260
Fax: 802-476-1660
Bennington Office FSD
    200 Veterans Memorial Dr. :Suite 14
    Bennington, VT, 05201-1956
Voice: 802-442-8138
Fax: 802-447-2808
Brattleboro Office FSD
    232 Main St :2nd Floor
    Brattleboro, VT, 05301-2879
Voice: 802-257-2888
Fax: 802-254-6341
Burlington Office FSD
    426 Industrial Ave :Suite 120
    Williston, VT, 05301-2679
Voice: 802-863-7370
Fax: 802-863-7516
Hartford Office FSD
    226 Holiday Dr. :Suite 32
    White River Jct, VT, 0500-2024
Voice: 802-295-8840
Fax: 802-295-4101
Middlebury Office FSD
    700 Exchange St. :Suite 105
    Middlebury, VT, 05753-1105
Voice: 802-388-4660
Fax: 802-388-4665
Morrisville Office FSD
    63 Professional Drive
    Morrisville, VT, 05661-9724
Voice: 802-888-4576
Fax: 802-888-1343
Newport Office FSD
    100 Main St. :Suite 230
    Newport, VT, 05855-4898
Voice: 802-334-6723
Fax: 802-334-3371
Rutland Office FSD
    220 Bloomer Building :88 Merchants Row
    Rutland, VT, 05701-3449
Voice: 802-786-5817
Fax: 802-786-8827
St Albans Office FSD
    20 Houghton St :Suite 211
    St Albans, VT, 05478-2247
Voice: 802-527-7741
Fax: 802-527-5404
St Johnsbury Office FSD
    67 Eastern Ave. :Suite 4
    St Johnsbury, VT, 05819-5603
Voice: 802-748-8374
Fax: 802-751-3203
Springfield Office FSD
    Social Services Division :100 Mineral Street :Suite 101
    Springfield, VT, 5156
Voice: 802-885-8900
Fax: 802-885-8921
    - Child Development Division
Ben AllenVoice: 802-769-6174
Ben AllenVoice: 802-241-0801
Child Development Division
    280 State Drive, NOB 1 North
    Waterbury, VT, 05671-1040
Fax: 802-241-0827
Toll Free: 800-649-2642
Miranda Gray, Deputy CommissionerVoice: 802-241-0827
Child Care Consumer InformationToll Free: 800-649-2642
Child Care LicensingToll Free: 800-649-2642
Children's Integrated Services UnitVoice: 802-241-0825
Toll Free: 800-649-2642
Child Developmental General InformationToll Free: 800-649-2642
Child Care Financial AssistanceToll Free: 800-649-2642
STARS and Professional DevelopmentToll Free: 800-649-2642
Bright Futures HelpDeskToll Free: 800-649-2642
State Head Start CollaborationVoice: 802-241-0801
Subsidy UnitVoice: 802-241-0825
Toll Free: 800-649-2642
Operations UnitVoice: 802-241-0825
Workforce Development UnitVoice: 802-241-0804
Toll Free: 800-649-2642
    - Child Support, Office of
Child Support, Office Of
    280 State Drive
    Waterbury, VT, 05671-1060
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Jeffrey P. Cohen, DirectorVoice: 802-241-2319
Laura Deforge, Personnel AdministratorVoice: 802-241-3018
Operations UnitVoice: 802-241-2319
Northeast Regional OfficeVoice: 802-751-2650
    - District Offices, Child Support
Barre Office Child Support
    219 North Main St.
    Barre, VT, 05641
Voice: 802-479-4204
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Bennington Office Child Support
    200 Veterans Memorial Dr. Suite 11
    Bennington, VT, 05201
Voice: 802-447-2717
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Brattleboro Office Child Support
    41 Springtree Road - PO Box 8120
    North Brattleboro, VT, 05304
Voice: 802-257-2856
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Burlington Office Child Support
    32 Cherry St. Suite 310
    Burlington, VT, 05401
Voice: 802-863-7444
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Hartford District Office Child Support
    Gilman Office Ctr. Bldg. 1
    White River Jct, VT, 05001
Voice: 802-295-4128
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Middlebury Office Child Support
    156 South Village Green, Suite 201
    Middlebury, VT, 05753
Voice: 802-388-5383
Toll Free: 800-786-3214
Agency / Department Search Results: 151 to 200 of 1479 total records.« Previous 2 3 4 5 6 Next »