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Search Results: 9851 to 9900 of 10551 total records.« Previous 196 197 198 199 200 Next »
Name/Email Number Agency / Department City
Waters,Cheri AVoice: 802-828-1190Fish & WildlifeBarre
Director and Chief Engineer
   - Wayne Symonds
   Email: wayne.symonds@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-279-8745
Transportation, Agency of
    - Highway Division
Webber,BridgetChildren and FamiliesBarre
Weeber,Curt G
   Email: curt.weeber@vermont.gov
Cell: 802-917-4977Transportation AgencyBarre
   Email: zach.weight@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-479-4220State's Attorneys and SheriffsBarre
   Email: robert.weiss@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-479-1420Digital Services AgencyBarre
Wells,Kyle Mathieu
   Email: kyle.wells@vermont.gov
Cell: 802-505-1707Transportation AgencyBarre
Wells,Laureen M
   Email: Laureen.Shannon@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-479-4260CorrectionsBarre
   Email: talon.wendel@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-479-4220State's Attorneys and SheriffsBarre
Assistant Librarian for the ABLE Library
   - Wendy Clark
   Email: wendy.clark@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-636-0020Libraries, Department ofBarre
West,Catherine M
   Email: Catherine.West@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-879-5628
Cell: 802-355-4454
Vermont Health AccessBarre
Whalley,PatrickTransportation AgencyBarre
Wheatley,Scott T
   Email: scott.wheatley@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-279-5541Transportation AgencyBarre
Whitaker,Jennifer MVermont Health AccessBarre
White,Justin W
   Email: justin.white@vermont.gov
Cell: 802-595-2694Transportation AgencyBarre
White,Robert M
   Email: rob.white@vermont.gov
Cell: 802-224-6592Transportation AgencyBarre
Whiting,Jeremy DTransportation AgencyBarre
Williams,ElizabethVermont Health AccessBarre
Willis-Pendo,Linda J
   Email: linda.willis-pendo@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-636-0032LibrariesBarre
Wilson,Cory TChildren and FamiliesBarre
Wirth,John P
   Email: John.Wirth@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-479-4241Children and FamiliesBarre
Wojtyna Sr.,Wayne DavidTransportation AgencyBarre
   Email: angela.langevin@vermont.gov
Cell: 802-917-4844Transportation AgencyBarre
   Email: joy.worland@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-798-2567LibrariesBarre
Wozny,JoshuaTransportation AgencyBarre
Wright,Andrea B
   Email: andrea.wright@vermont.gov
Cell: 802-917-1586Transportation AgencyBarre
Wright,Lisa A
   Email: lisa.wright@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-476-0170Forests, Parks & RecreationBarre
Young,Robert STransportation AgencyBarre
   Email: Sara.Young@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-479-4282Children and FamiliesBarre
Zaino,Robert J
   Email: robert.zaino@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-476-0128Fish & WildlifeBarre
McCrackin,William HTransportation AgencyAscutney
Perry,Seth L
   Email: seth.perry@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-371-7530Transportation AgencyAscutney
Chimney Point State Historic SiteVoice: 802-759-2412
Fax: 802-759-2547
Historic Preservation, Vermont Division for
    - Historic Sites
Chittenden CountyVoice: 802-863-4341
Fax: 802-863-7445
State's Attorneys & Sheriffs, Department of
    - County Sheriff's Offices
70 Ethan Allen Drive South Burlington
,Education, Agency of
.Education, Agency of
Director of Budget & Management Operations
   - Aaron Brodeur
   Email: aaron.brodeur@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-505-3542Finance & Management, Department of
    - Commissioner's Office
Abuse & Complaint HotlineVoice: 802-241-0512
Fax: 802-241-0342
Toll Free: 800-564-1612
Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living, Department of
    - Licensing Protection, Division of
Academics AffairsVoice: 802-635-1242Vermont State Colleges
    - Johnson State College
Academics AffairsVoice: 802-728-1583Vermont State Colleges
    - Vermont Technical College
Academics AffairsVoice: 802-626-6406Vermont State Colleges
    - Lyndon State College
Academics AffairsVoice: 802-468-1202Vermont State Colleges
    - Castleton University
Accounting/Business OfficeVoice: 802-828-1998Education, Agency of
Deputy Commissioner
   - Adaline Strumolo
   Email: Adaline.Strumolo@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-879-5900Department of Vermont Health Access
Adam Greshin, Commissioner
   Email: adam.greshin@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-7302Finance & Management, Department of
    - Commissioner's Office
ADAP Prevention ConsultantVoice: 802-888-2581Health, Department of
    - Local Health - District Offices
ADAP Prevention ConsultantVoice: 802-863-7561Health, Department of
    - Local Health - District Offices
ADAP Prevention ConsultantVoice: 802-524-7918Health, Department of
    - Local Health - District Offices
ADAP Prevention ConsultantVoice: 802-479-4250Health, Department of
    - Local Health - District Offices
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