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Search Results: 10001 to 10050 of 10417 total records.« Previous 199 200 201 202 203 Next »
Name/Email Number Agency / Department City
Acting Commissioner
   - Heather Pelham
   Email: heather.pelham@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-477-2727
Toll Free: 800-837-6668
Tourism & Marketing, Department of
Director, Human Resource Development
   - Heather Simons
   Email: Heather.Simons@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-461-6446
Corrections, Department of
    - Human Resource Development
HelplineTTY/TDD: 800-586-5832
Toll Free: 800-287-8432
Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA)
Hemp ProgramVoice: 802-828-1732Agriculture, Food & Markets, Agency of
    - Public Health Agricultural Resource Management
HIV/AIDSVoice: 802-863-7245
Toll Free: 800-244-7639
Health, Department of
Water Quality Programs Mgr
   - Holden Sparacino
   Email: Holden.Sparacino@vacd.org
State Natural Resources Conservation Council
Chief Financial Officer
   - Holly Anderson
   Email: holly.s.anderson@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-636-7582Administration, Agency of
    - Financial Services
Home StudyVoice: 802-828-6225Education, Agency of
Homeland SecurityVoice: 802-241-5527Public Safety, Department of
    - Emergency Management, Division of
Program Coordinator
   - Howard Deuso
   Email: howard.deuso@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-524-2835Corrections, Department of
    - Vermont Offender Work Programs
Human ResourcesVoice: 802-241-5392Enhanced 9-1-1 Board
Human ResourcesVoice: 802-585-8276Education, Agency of
Sarah Roberts
   - Human Resources
Voice: 802-241-5392Public Safety, Department of
    - Administration
ImmunizationsVoice: 802-863-7638Health, Department of
In-stateToll Free: 800-925-1706Department of Vermont Health Access
    - Provider Services
Information & TechnologyVoice: 802-828-1017Education, Agency of
Information TechnologyVoice: 802-828-5002Agriculture, Food & Markets, Agency of
    - Administration Division
Lt. Tara Thomas
   - Internal Affairs
Voice: 802-244-8718Public Safety, Department of
    - Vermont State Police
Investor ProtectionToll Free: 877-550-3907Financial Regulation, Department of (formerly BISHCA)
    - Securities Division
General Counsel
   - Irene Mendez
   Email: Irene.mendez@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-585-8308Department of Vermont Health Access
Configuration Analyst
   - Jacqueline Sullivan
   Email: Jackie.sullivan@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-0037Human Resources, Department of
    - VTHR Operations
Director for Public Advocacy
   - James Porter
Voice: 802-828-4003
Fax: 802-828-2342
Public Service, Department of
Corrections Training Center Administrator
   - James Rice
   Email: James.Rice@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-786-3807
Corrections, Department of
    - Human Resource Development
VISION Support Manager
   - Jamie Sheltra
   Email: jamie.sheltra@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-0191Finance & Management, Department of
    - Customer Support and Change Management Division
Business Manager
   - Janet L. Bullard
Voice: 802-828-2852Vermont Commission on Women
Systems Analyst
   - Jaron Foster
   Email: jaron.l.foster@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6981Human Resources, Department of
    - Compliance and Reports
Senior Budget & Management Analyst
   - Jason Aronowitz
   Email: jason.aronowitz@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-622-4102Finance & Management, Department of
    - Budget and Management Division
Chief of Staff
   - Jason Gibbs
Governor, Office of the
Press Secretary
   - Jason Maulucci
Governor, Office of the
Financial Director II
   - Jason Pinard
   Email: jason.pinard@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-636-7583Administration, Agency of
    - Financial Services
Policy & Research Analyst
   - Jay Greene
Voice: 802-461-6335Administration, Agency of
    - Office of Racial Equity
Governor's Legal Counsel
   - Jaye Pershing Johnson
Governor, Office of the
VISION Operations Analyst IV
   - Jeffrey Montgomery
   Email: Jeffrey.Montgomery@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-0672Finance & Management, Department of
    - Internal Controls
Jeffrey P. Cohen, DirectorVoice: 802-241-2319Children and Families, Department for
    - Child Support, Office of
Vermont Criminal Information Center
   - Jeffrey Wallin
Voice: 802-244-8727
Public Safety, Department of
    - Criminal Justice Services
VISION Support Specialist II
   - Jenna Moran
   Email: jenna.moran@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-1434Finance & Management, Department of
    - Customer Support and Change Management Division
   - Jenney Samuelson
Voice: 802-241-0440Human Services, Agency of
Health Care Benefits Analyst
   - Jennifer Book
   Email: DHR.Benefits@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6700Human Resources, Department of
    - Employee Benefits
Classification Analyst
   - Jennifer Cliche
   Email: jennifer.cliche@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-585-6399Human Resources, Department of
    - Classification
Executive Director
   - Jennifer Poehlmann
   Email: Jennifer.Poehlmann@ccvs.vermont.gov
Voice: 802-241-1250Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services
Labor Relations Specialist
   - Jennifer Steadman
Human Resources, Department of
    - Labor Relations Division
Classification Analyst
   - Jenny Audet
   Email: jenny.audet@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-793-5676Human Resources, Department of
    - Classification
Assist. Dir. of Corrections Education
   - Jerry Schartner
   Email: Gerald.Schartner@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-323-6214Corrections, Department of
    - Vermont Offender Work Programs
Director, Victim Services
   - Jessica Dorr
   Email: Jessica.Dorr@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-241-0019
Toll Free: 800-810-1847
Corrections, Department of
    - Victim Services
Financial Director II
   - Jillian
Voice: 802-241-0687Children and Families, Department for
Staff Assistant
   - Jim Mullally
Voice: 802-828-2909Vermont Ethics Network
Chief Executive Officer
   - Jo Bradley
Voice: 802-828-5627Vermont Economic Development Authority
HCM Functional Analyst
   - Joanne Cyr
   Email: joanne.cyr@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6700Human Resources, Department of
    - VTHR Operations
   - Joe Harris
   Email: Joe.Harris@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-0671Finance & Management, Department of
    - Statewide Accounting
   - John Becker
   Email: john.becker@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-282-0678Finance & Management, Department of
    - Statewide Reporting
Search Results: 10001 to 10050 of 10417 total records.« Previous 199 200 201 202 203 Next »