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Search Results: 10051 to 10100 of 10417 total records.« Previous 200 201 202 203 204 Next »
Name/Email Number Agency / Department City
Director of Labor Relations
   - John Berard
   Email: john.berard@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-3454Human Resources, Department of
    - Labor Relations Division
Secretary of the Senate
   - John Bloomer
Voice: 802-828-2241Legislature
Senior Investigator
   - John Harvey
   Email: john.harvey@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-272-2208Human Resources, Department of
    - Investigations Unit
Agency General Counsel
   - John Kessler
   Email: john.kessler@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-5202
Fax: 802-828-3383
Commerce & Community Development, Agency of
    - Program Divisions
Technology Analyst Trainer
   - John Liebold
   Email: jonathan.leibold@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-272-6849Corrections, Department of
    - Human Resource Development
HR Training and Engagement Specialist II
   - John Preston
   Email: john.preston@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-5447Human Resources, Department of
    - Workforce Development - CAPS
Systems Analyst
   - John Wileczek
   Email: john.wileczek@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-7208Human Resources, Department of
    - Compliance and Reports
Executive Assistant to Senior Staff
   - John Zanin
Governor, Office of the
Statewide Grants Administrator
   - Jordan Black-Deegan
   Email: Jordan.black-deegan@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-3201Finance & Management, Department of
    - Statewide Reporting
   - Josh Hanford
Voice: 802-828-3080
Fax: 802-828-3258
Housing & Community Development, Department of
    - Commissioner's Office
Director, Community Development
   - Josh Hanford
   Email: josh.hanford@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-595-1385
Housing & Community Development, Department of
    - Program Divisions
Executive Director
   - Judith L. Dillon
Voice: 802-828-2700Labor Relations Board
Clerk of the Board
   - Judith Whitney
Voice: 802-828-2358Public Utilitiy Commission
Secretary of Natural Resources
   - Julie Moore
Voice: 802-828-1294Natural Resources, Agency of
Administrative Services Manager I
   - Julie Roth
   Email: julie.roth@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-917-8168Administration, Agency of
    - Risk Management
   - June Tierney
Voice: 802-828-2321
Fax: 802-828-2342
Public Service, Department of
Chief Performance Officer
   - Justin Kenney
   Email: Justin.Kenney@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-461-6259Administration, Agency of
    - Chief Performance Office
Juvenile DefenderVoice: 802-828-3168Public Defender, Office of
Juvenile DefenderVoice: 802-828-3168Defender General, Office of the
Talent Acquisition Specialist
   - KaLii LaRochelle
   Email: kalii.barclay@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6700Human Resources, Department of
    - Talent Acquisition
Karen Gennette, Executive Director
   Email: karen@crgvt.org
Voice: 802-230-4768Crime Research Group Inc
Executive Director
   - Karen Mittelman
   Email: kmittelman@vermontartscouncil.org
Voice: 802-828-5420Vermont Arts Council
Office/Business Manager
   - Karen Pallas
Governor, Office of the
Executive Director
   - Karen Schwartz
Voice: 802-241-2612Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council
Staff Attorney
   - Kate Lucier
   Email: kate.lucier@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-522-7358Human Resources, Department of
    - Legal Services
Classification Analyst
   - Kate Rumley
   Email: kate.rumley@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-461-7014Human Resources, Department of
    - Classification
Staff Attorney
   - Kate Thomas
Human Resources, Department of
    - Legal Services
Executive Director
   - Kathleen Berk
Voice: 802-828-3295Vermont State Housing Authority
Benefits Operations Supervisor
   - Kathryn Guare
   Email: DHR.Benefits@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6700Human Resources, Department of
    - Employee Benefits
Financial Manager
   - Kathy O'Rourke
Voice: 802-828-2185Auditor of Accounts
Performance Improvement Advisor
   - Katie Bockwoldt
Voice: 802-261-1099Administration, Agency of
    - Chief Performance Office
Scheduling & Business Operations Coordinator
   - Katrin Helgason
   Email: khelgason@vitlink.org
Voice: 802-728-1455Vermont Interactive Technologies
Talent Acquisition Specialist
   - Keisha Pollard
   Email: keisha.pollard@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6700Human Resources, Department of
    - Talent Acquisition
Director of Finance and Operations
   - Kelly Carbo
Voice: 802-479-8513Vermont Historical Society
Policy & Legislative Affairs Director
   - Kendal Smith
Governor, Office of the
Deputy Adjutant General
   - Kenneth W Gragg Jr.
Voice: 802-338-3124Adjutant General, Office of the
Configuration Analyst
   - Keri Toolan
   Email: keri.toolan@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-622-4096Human Resources, Department of
    - VTHR Operations
Program Services Director
   - Kim Bushey
   Email: Kim.Bushey@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-241-0009
Corrections, Department of
    - Program Services
Admin Services Manager II
   - Kim Persons
   Email: kim.persons@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-461-9902Human Resources, Department of
    - Workforce Development - CAPS
Statewide Grants Administrator
   - Kimberly Baker
   Email: Kimberly.Baker@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-1643Finance & Management, Department of
    - Statewide Reporting
Configuration Analyst
   - Kimberly Cruickshank
   Email: kimberly.cruickshank@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-622-4271Human Resources, Department of
    - VTHR Operations
Financial Manager
   - Kimberly Fedele
Voice: 802-338-3310Adjutant General, Office of the
Employee Benefits Administrator
   - Kimberly Palermo
   Email: DHR.Benefits@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6700Human Resources, Department of
    - Employee Benefits
Executive Assistant
   - Kitty Sweet
   Email: kitty.sweet@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-3080Housing & Community Development, Department of
    - Commissioner's Office
Financial Manager III
   - Knowlton, Ben
   Email: Benjamin.Knowlton@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-522-2309Administration, Agency of
    - Financial Services
VISION Support Specialist III
   - Kristen Elliott
   Email: kristen.elliott@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-1293Finance & Management, Department of
    - Customer Support and Change Management Division
Admin Serv. Manager
   - Kristin Kellett
   Email: Kristin.Kellett@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-760-8166
Fax: 802-241-0450
Human Services, Agency of
Secretary of Administration
   - Kristin L. Clouser
   Email: Kristin.L.Clouser@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-3322Administration, Agency of
Compliance & Reports Manager
   - Krystal Sewell
   Email: krystal.sewell@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-7209Human Resources, Department of
    - Compliance and Reports
Program Technician II
   - Kyla White
   Email: kyla.white@vermont.gov
Voice: 802-828-6718Human Resources, Department of
    - VTHR Operations
Search Results: 10051 to 10100 of 10417 total records.« Previous 200 201 202 203 204 Next »