Agency / Department Search

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Agency / Department Search

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Agency / Department Search Results: 1 to 50 of 1479 total records.1 2 3 4 5 Next »
Workforce Development Council
Workforce Development Council
    5 Green Mountain Drive :PO Box 488
    Montpelier, VT, 05601-0488
Voice: 802-828-4349
Fax: 802-828-4050
Allen Evans, Executive DirectorVoice: 802-828-4156
Nancy Parsons, Administrative Assistant
Voice: 802-828-4349
Fax: 802-828-4374
Water Resources Board
See Natural Resources Board
VOSHA Review Board
VOSHA Review Board
    6 Baldwin Street, Rm 313
    Montpelier, VT, 05633-6701
Voice: 802-828-2775
Vermont Veterans' Home
Vermont Veterans' Home
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-442-6353
Fax: 802-447-6466
TTY/TDD: 802-442-6353
Melissa Jackson, MBA, FACHCA, Administrator
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-447-6533
Fax: 802-447-6466
Asa Whitcomb Asa Whitcomb, LICSW, LNHA, Deputy Administrator, VVH
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-447-6544
Robyn Boland
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-447-6523
Donna Richards, Director of Nursing
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-447-6565
Steve McClafferty, Business Manager
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-447-2732
Tonya Goodell, Human Resources Director
    325 North St
    Bennington, VT, 5201
Voice: 802-447-6555
Fax: 802-447-2830
Vermont Telecommunications Authority
Vermont Telecommunications Authority
    100 State Street, Suite 342
    Montpelier, Vt, 05620-3502
Voice: 802-828-1788
Fax: 802-828-1789
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
    3 Pitkin Court, Suite 301 East
    Montpelier, 5602
Voice: 802-828-1260
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
    10 Allen St :PO Box 200
    Winooski, VT, 05404-2601
Voice: 802-655-9602
Fax: 802-654-3765
TTY/TDD: 802-654-7366
Toll Free: 800-642-3177
In StateVoice: 800-642-3177
TTY/TDD: 800-281-3341
Don Vickers, President & CEOVoice: 802-655-9602
Scott Giles, Vice President, Policy, Research & PlanningVoice: 802-655-9602
Pat Kaiser, Vice President, Student Services & Information TechnologyVoice: 802-655-9602
Mike Stuart, Vice President & Chief Financial OfficerVoice: 802-655-9602
Tom Little, Vice President & General CounselVoice: 802-655-9602
Vermont State Housing Authority
Vermont State Housing Authority
    1 Prospect St
    Montpelier, VT, 05602-3556
Voice: 802-828-3295
Fax: 802-828-3248
TTY/TDD: 800-798-3118
Messages OnlyVoice: 800-820-5119
Kathleen Berk, Executive DirectorVoice: 802-828-3295
Vermont State Employees' Credit Union
Berlin Office
    365 Paine Turnpike North
Voice: 802-371-5162
Fax: 802-225-1065
Toll Free: 800-371-5162
Burlington Office
    86 Pearl Street
Voice: 802-371-5162
Fax: 802-846-3720
Toll Free: 800-371-5162
Montpelier Office
    1 Bailey Ave
Voice: 802-371-5162
Fax: 802-223-0267
Toll Free: 800-371-5162
Rutland Office
    88 Asa Bloomer Building:Merchants Row
Voice: 802-371-5162
Fax: 802-773-0268
Toll Free: 800-371-5162
Waterbury Office
    103 South Main Street
Voice: 802-371-5162
Fax: 802-241-2282
Toll Free: 800-371-5162
Williston Office
    1755 Essex Road
Voice: 802-371-5162
Fax: 802-764-1183
Toll Free: 800-371-5162
Mailing address:
    PO Box 67
    Montpelier, VT, 05601-0067
Vermont State Employees' Association (VSEA)
Vermont State Employees Association (VSEA)
    155 State St:PO Box 518
    Montpelier, VT, 05601-9990
Voice: 802-223-5247
Fax: 802-223-4035
TTY/TDD: 802-223-5247
Jes Kraus, DirectorVoice: 802-223-5247
Vermont State Colleges
Vermont State Colleges
    Stanley Hall, Park Street, PO Box 359
    Waterbury, VT, 5676
Voice: 802-241-2520
Chancellor's OfficeVoice: 802-241-2520
    - Castleton University
Castleton University
    Castleton, VT, 05735
Voice: 800-639-8521
Academics AffairsVoice: 802-468-1202
Administrative ServicesVoice: 802-468-1203
AdmissionsVoice: 802-468-1213
Advancement & RelationsVoice: 802-468-1013
Financial AidVoice: 802-468-6070
LibraryVoice: 802-468-1256
Office of the PresidentVoice: 802-468-1203
Student AffairsVoice: 802-486-1283
    - Community College of Vermont
Central Administrative Office, Community College of Vermont
    103 South Main Street, Wasson Hall:PO Box 120
    Waterbury, VT, 5676
Voice: 802-241-3535
Fax: 802-241-3526
PresidentVoice: 802-241-3535
Assessment of Prior LearningVoice: 802-828-4064
Business ManagerVoice: 802-241-3535
Dean of Academic ServicesVoice: 802-241-3535
Dean of Administrative ServicesVoice: 802-241-3535
Agency / Department Search Results: 1 to 50 of 1479 total records.1 2 3 4 5 Next »